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It's Children's Day in Portsmouth...again, and MY Kids are Growing up!!

Posted by Bill Page on

What’s up with the weather?  It’s Sunday May 5th and I’m here in downtown Portsmouth, NH or, #DTP as my daughters and their friends call it.  It’s gray, overcast, and about 55 degrees but it’s not raining for a change!

Today is “Children’s Day” here on Pleasant Street from 12-4:30.   It’s a day when Portsmouth retailers, agencies, and otherwise civic minded people take time to do something for the kids! Pleasant street will be closed to vehicular traffic and all kinds of things will be set up to entertain the kids and educate the parents.  It’s NOT about selling stuff like most fairs and festivals are – in fact selling is discouraged. 

As a street vendor here in town, I’m usually here anyway trying to, well sell stuff BUT today is a little different.  I’m already set up and selling stuff in my usual spot but I’m also here to help local toy store G.Willikers! with their Buoy Bat batting booth.  They’ve been doing it for years and it all started when Bob took many, many rolls of colored duct tape and created what’s come to be one of the most popular activities at the event.  Kids will line up to try and hit Buoy Bat balls off our industrial strength tee and into the mouth of the duct tape happy monster!  I’m not sure if the monster has a name but he sure is popular with the kids!  I bring the tee, a box of balls, and a Buoy Bat for them to use.  They bring the monster!

Speaking of children, it seems like just yesterday that Sue and I were bringing OUR 3 to Portsmouth for today's event!  Crazy as it may sound, and seem, our oldest, Katherine is a senior in HS and headed off to college next year! 

After quite a process, she was admitted to Bowdoin in nearby Brunswick, Maine which makes me very, very happy., and proud! I've LOVED being part of her life for her first 18 years even if it's as a spectator a lot of the time.  She's a smart, capable person and I could not be happier with the person she's become.  Continuing to watch her life at Bowdoin is feasible because it's so close to home and it's going to be so fun!  Last night she went to the Junior Prom with Neal and they made a stunning young couple!

And wow...I haven't posted for a long time!  I just realized I was unaware that a few people had posted comments to a few of my posts LAST YEAR that have been sitting in my inbox the entire time!  Thanks so much for the comments and sorry for the super long delay approvinhg them!  

Have a great day...Buoy Bill

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